Here, you get to watch character development in action – in particular, Jon Snow and Samwell Tarly of the Nights Watch grow even more three-dimensional, and we can start to see them coming into their own. Luckily, I didn’t know the specifics, and so when it did happen, I got to experience it for the first time – it is a pretty big deal, but it felt over-hyped when I got to it. It also features a lot of key plot elements, including the Red Wedding, which I’d already heard about before I even started on the books. This book is probably my least favourite book so far in the series, although I still gave it an 8/10 which is above my general rating for a professional quality book. I’ve been holding back on watching it, because I prefer to imagine the characters in my head before I witness them on the screen. That makes this technically the fourth book, and so far I’ve been able to read them in order and to stay ahead from the series, although the first episode of the sixth season aired the day before I finished the book.

Martin – A Storm of Swords: Blood and Goldīlood and Gold is the second instalment of A Storm of Swords, the third book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series which you might know better as the series that Game of Thrones, the TV series, is based on.

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